Zulu Traditional Marriage

Traditional Zulu Wedding is referred to as umabo. When a Zulu girl informs her father that she is ready to marry, he organizes a ceremony to announce her availability to the public. Negotiations for the bride's cattle for lobola can commence once she has met her prince.

A Zulu traditional wedding, like any other African wedding, is bright with music, colors, dancing, and feasting. While other South African wedding traditions and customs exist, a Zulu wedding is the most popular, lavish, and pompous.

Traditionally, a Zulu wedding takes place at the groom's family home. The bride must leave her family home early in the morning, wrapped in a blanket that her mother has provided her. The bride will be led to her new family home by the groom's father or a close relative of the groom's family.

The Zulu bride dresses differently than other brides and can change clothing up to three times on her wedding day. The isidwaba, a leather skirt, the isidwaba, a skin covering for her breasts, and the inkehli, a cap for her head, are all traditional Zulu bridal dress for brides. The bride completes her ensemble with colorful beaded necklaces and bracelets, which her bridesmaids also sport. 

Traditional Zulu marriage is so lovely that it embodies AmaZulu culture. It demonstrates that the Zulus live their way of life on a regular basis.


  1. Your content is so interesting young keep it up your good work👌❤

  2. Definately going to do zulu taditional wedding its sounds fun and respected

  3. I'm definitely going to do it since I'm a proud African

  4. This is interesting Miss Padlock

  5. Wow this is an important ceremony

  6. I like the way they are dressing it is beautiful


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